


A lil pink bean with a cat

A lil pink bean with a cat

$Moto - 27K holders - 73 memes

$Moto - 27K holders - 73 memes






Road Map

Road Map



Moto is just a lil pink bean, trying to live just like

the rest of us, dive into the journey of Moto's
daily ordeals and experiences. We will be posting

short videos and memes daily on our twitter, so

make sure you follow, we also plan to make our very
own youtube channel, we look forward to bringing
a lil bit of refreshing humor to a ever so maturing
solana community, join the telegram to be apart
of the Bean community, if you have questions
feel free to ask, as we will be working around the
clock to fix problems as they arise, thank you for
checking us out and enjoy our animations!

Moto is just a lil pink bean, trying to live just like

the rest of us, dive into the journey of Moto's
daily ordeals and experiences. We will be posting

short videos and memes daily on our twitter, so

make sure you follow, we also plan to make our very
own youtube channel, we look forward to bringing
a lil bit of refreshing humor to a ever so maturing
solana community, join the telegram to be apart
of the Bean community, if you have questions
feel free to ask, as we will be working around the
clock to fix problems as they arise, thank you for
checking us out and enjoy our animations!


LP Burned

Mint Revoked

Phase 1

Phase 1


Social Media Setup

Website Launch

Smart Contract

Fair Launch

Liquidity Burned

Mint Revoked

Phase 2

DexScreener Update

First AMAs

SOL Trending

Various Partnerships

Marketing Push

CoinGecko Listing


Phase 3

Youtube Marketing

Ad Campaign

Team Expansion


$Moto Merch

$Moto Merch

CEX Listing

Roadmap V2

All rights reserved for Moto 2024©

All rights reserved for Moto 2024©


We want to show everyone that it is
not impossible to find projects with
devs who believe in their project, so
we will be burning 1% of supply for
certain milestones!

Community Driven

Our community will need to be strong from
the start, with that being said we will have
the VC open before launch and will be taking
any questions you might have, we will also
being taking reccomendations so dont be
afraid to stop by!

Fair Launch

We have decided to launch on ray, we

have come to this decision after being

informed of the problems with trust on
raydium, that being said we will release
CA right before launch, and we have a
plan to deal with the snipers!

We have decided to launch on ray, we

have come to this decision after being

informed of the problems with trust on
raydium, that being said we will release
CA right before launch, and we have a
plan to deal with the snipers!

In Progress…